March 01, 2019
Spring Sweet Cherry Seminar
Dear Sir / Madam,
We are very pleased to inform all sweet cherry producers that, together with Bayer and Plantpress, we are now in the process of preparation for one of the most professional meetings on sweet cherry growing in our country, entitled “Spring Sweet Cherry Seminar”. In connection with the event, we have managed to invite a group of the best advisers in the cultivation of this species in Europe. The meeting agenda includes the following topics:
- Marek Konieczny Ph.D.: Yara Poland: Sweet cherries nutrition management under the stress conditions (lecture in Polish);
- Leon Jahae, Top Fruit Consultancy (Great Britain): Optimising fruit-set and reducing fruit drop in Sweet Cherries (lecture in English);
- Tore Frogner, Yara Norway: Nitrogen and calcium management, two critical factors in successful cherry production (lecture in English);
- Barbara Witkowska, Bayer (Poland): Protection of sweet cherries from the most important pathogens (lecture in Polish);
- Sjaak Walraven, Fleuren (Netherlands): Profitable sweet cherry production and its practises (lecture in English).
In order to enrich the conference, we also invited our partners who have been cooperating with you for many years and who, enriching the event, will present their offer at the stands. They are: Agro Partners, Aquatom, Drewgór and Koppert.
After the conference part, with good weather conditions, practical sessions are planned in the orchard of Mr. Maciej Osowski in a village Góry Wysokie, led by Leon Jahae.
The conference is scheduled for April 14 (Sunday) at Dwór Dwikozy Hotel near Sandomierz (12 Spółdzielcza St., 27-620 Dwikozy, tel. +48 15 83 444 36). Admission to the event is free of charge, but restricted and limited by the number of seats. In order to register and sign in the admission list, interested persons are required to send an email to:, with the subject line “sweet cherry conference access”, containing the participant’s details, company name or institution, area of the cherry orchard owned.
Registration of participants starts at 9:00 a.m. and the conference starts at 10:00 a.m.
Yara Poland, Bayer, Plantpress